The prevalence of children with autism is on the rise. And families often receive varied and confusing recommendations during the diagnosis and intervention planning stages. Autism is an extremely complex neurological disorder. Very often families receive their initial guidance from a variety of sources. Behavior Momentum India Foundation ( initiated the first interdisciplinary conference in India which identifies the most renowned experts from both the diagnosis team (Pediatricians, Pediatric neurologists, Developmental pediatricians, & Psychiatrists) as well as the intervention teams (Behavior analysts, Speech & Language pathologists and Occupational therapists) and created a platform for the dissemination of reliable, evidence based information for all parents and professionals. The conference is interactive and has a huge take away for both parents and professionals. The trustees of BMI Foundation take this opportunity to thank The Government of Telangana for associating with BMI Foundation to bring the 3rd BMI International Autism Conference and NIEPID (National Institute for the Empowerment of Persons with Intellectual Disabilities (Divyangjan) for their collaboration.
The BMI International Autism Conference is unique in being the very first conference anywhere in the world to bring together leading and eminent professionals with impeccable credentials from a variety of scientific and evidence-based fields. BMI Conference provides a platform where invited professionals educate on their areas of expertise, collaborate and exchange ideas at the absolute apex of this domain. Through BMI Conference we build consensus, bring information for making the right choices, educate the most vulnerable, provide a platform to interact with eminent and busy specialists, and introduce evidence advanced techniques and finally ensure all information is Applied and not just theoretical to better care for individuals with Autism and other developmental disabilities. It aims to guide and empower parents, special educators, government officers and professionals working with persons with autism through presentations, workshops, interactive panel discussions, paper and poster presentations. The topics covered include ,powerful teaching procedures based on the science of Applied Behavior Analysis, enablers for better inclusion in schools and community, reducing challenging and inappropriate behaviors compassionately, scientifically and ethically, knowing which interventions are safe, which ones are ineffective and which ones are harmless.
Inclusion for children with autism and other developmental disabilities is every parents dream. Every parent wants the child to be included in every occasion and every event in the family, school and society without discrimination. Our society is also continuously working towards advocacy for people to see the ability and not the disability. However inclusion can at times become an illusion despite the best intentions parents and professionals have for the child in their heart. They do their best and still things may not go as envisaged. One of the factors which needs serious consideration in meaningful inclusion is planning for short term goals with long term terminal goals in mind. Continuous monitoring of progress or the lack of it, reviewing and shifting goal posts and prioritising. The role of the professional here becomes important. Autism being a complex disorder, the education and experience of the professional matters. Parents need to ask questions to ensure their child is in safe hands. They need to become pivots between various professionals, they need to bring them on board, keeping everyone’s focus on the child and ensuring the child receives therapies and interventions which are evidence based. Therapies which have a long history of research, which has worked on innumerable kids earlier. When all these variables, come together creating synergy then we can say we have enabled meaningful inclusion and surely no child will be left behind.
By Dr. Smita Awasthi, BCBA-D